influence child's creativity

Since not all children are equally creative, many people mistakenly believe that creativity is an innate skill that their children either possess or do not. This is similar to the belief that not all children are equally intellectual. However, creativity is more of a skill than a talent, and parents can assist their children develop it.

Creativity is a crucial element of health and pleasure and a fundamental talent to exercise with children because it is essential to success in almost everything we do. Science, math, social and emotional intelligence, and even musical and creative expression all depend on creativity. Because they are more adaptable and better at solving problems, creative people are better equipped to deal with change and adapt to technological advancements—furthermore seize fresh opportunities. To learn more, seek consulation from the Good Psychiatrist near me at TalktoAngel.

Numerous researchers think that we have fundamentally altered childhood in a way that hinders the development of creativity. Children are fed an unlimited supply of prefabricated characters, images, props, and storylines by toy and entertainment businesses, putting their imaginations to rest. Children no longer have to pretend that a stick is a sword in a game or made-up story.

These are some suggestions for encouraging creativity in children:

Give them the tools they need to express their creativity. Here, time is the main resource. Unstructured, child-directed, imaginative play that is unhindered by adult guidance and doesn’t rely much on commercial items is something that children require a lot of time for.

Your children too require space as a resource. Give them a designated area where they can produce a mess, such as a space in your attic for dress-up, a spot in the garage for painting, or a corner in your family room for Legos, unless you don’t mind creative messes appearing everywhere.

Make your house a breeding ground for inventiveness. You also need to encourage a creative environment in addition to providing creative areas.

Ask your children for a lot of different ideas, but resist the desire to judge what they come up with. For instance, you could discuss weekend plans over dinner, encouraging the kids to suggest activities they’ve never done before. Don’t decide which ideas are the greatest or point out those that aren’t feasible. The process of developing new ideas, rather than their evaluation, should be the main emphasis of creative endeavors.

Encourage kids to fail and make mistakes. Yes, fail. Children who are terrified of failing and being judged will limit their own original thinking.

Give children the autonomy and freedom to investigate their ideas and carry them out. Don’t be such a jerk. Who knows what else it is if that isn’t the pot calling the kettle black. Stop worrying that they won’t get into a good college or will be kidnapped. Given the statistically low likelihood that they would be abducted, I can assure you that attending an Ivy League university did not make me a happy person.

External limitations can limit people’s ability to think creatively by forcing them to “colour inside the lines.” In one study, the number of inventive ways that children completed this job was reduced just by showing them how to put together a model.

Encourage kids to read for enjoyment and engage in the arts. Limit TV and other screen time to make time for creative pursuits like acting out a play, learning to sketch, and reading all of a favorite author’s books.

Allow youngsters to disagree with you and give them the chance to express “divergent thought.” Encourage them to look for multiple approaches to an issue and multiple solutions to a problem. When they successfully resolve a problem, challenge them to do so once more while coming up with a fresh approach (same solution, different route). After then, request additional responses to the same issue.

Rewarding youngsters for being creative will hinder their ability to think creatively, which will affect the caliber of their responses and their adaptability.

Instead than attempting to drive kids with rewards and incentives, let them master the creative things they are organically motivated to undertake. Allowing a youngster to do something she enjoys more, like drawing at her desk or enrolling in a science class, is preferable to paying her for practising the piano, for example.

Try not to care about what your children accomplish. Prioritize the process over the outcome. One method to achieve this is through probing the experience with questions like, “Did you enjoy it?” Are you done yet? What about that activity did you like?

Teach Them Several Approaches to Every Problem. As a parent or guardian, you must instill in your children the idea that there are numerous approaches to problem-solving as well as various viewpoints from which to see everything, whether it be a mathematical challenge or a psychological one they are currently dealing with in real life.

Allow them space and freedom. It’s crucial to methodically develop your talents. However, it’s crucial to provide children adequate room to freely use their imaginations. Allow the child to have a few unscheduled hours at home so they may just stroll about and let their imaginations run wild.

Children are naturally curious and want to learn more about everything. It is the responsibility of the parents and the teachers to provide interesting and important knowledge in order to further steer their curiosity in the right direction. They might be introduced to a nation’s rich literature, art, and culture while also learning about the ramifications and hidden meanings behind them. You can also talk about the ecosystem’s condition and potential effects on the local fauna and flora with them. Parents can pique their children’s curiosity and pique their desire to learn more by engaging them in such meaningful conversations.

For more information, feel free to seek Online Psychiatric Consultation at TalktoAngel.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.