website's domain authority

Domain authority is essential for establishing the credibility of a brand. Before people start to trust a brand and its products, they visit the website and judge a brand’s trustworthiness. So, brands should understand the concept of brand authority and learn how to increase their score for high rankings.

What is Domain Authority?

Domain authority is a metric that measures the ability of a website to rank higher on search engines. A site’s domain authority score is based on several factors, such as backlinks, site speed, domain name, social media activity, and expert content. Domain authority measures the strength of a website and allows experts to compare different sites in the industry. It also helps marketers decide who to approach to get brand mentions.

How to Increase Domain Authority?

Focus on PR 

A brand’s online presence does not differ much from a physical presence. In both worlds, brands should focus on getting the word across about their brand. Companies focussing on public relations always get adequate attention from people. So, brand leaders should sit down for interviews with reporters. An SEO expert in Adelaide helps brands optimize the content and encourage people to link to the site.

Brands with good PR campaigns naturally attract links from a variety of sites. The brand would find a place in magazines and publications. As people start talking about it, the brand receives more backlinks and sees an increase in engagement rates. Offline PR can alone bring a lot of traffic and links. If companies combine both offline and digital PR campaigns, they will hit the rankings in a short time. To optimize links, brands should work with an SEO expert in Adelaide.

Distinctive Domain Name

The site’s domain name also affects the domain authority score. So, the domain name should be simple, relevant, and easy to understand. People should remember it long after they quit the website. It should also be unique and different from the competitor’s site. If a good domain name is coupled with quality content, people will frequent the site. They come back to fill the gaps in their knowledge. This would lead to an increase in the performance of other key metrics. As a result, the website would get a high domain authority score. It is good to work with an SEO expert in Adelaide to reduce bounce rates.

Removing toxic links 

The site needs to be purged of toxic links. These links could pull down the overall performance of the site. So, companies should look for links coming from spammy sites and remove them. They should also ensure that all the links they use on their site are from high authority sites. So, brands work with experts providing SEO services in Adelaide to remove toxic links as soon as they find them.

Social Media Activity 

Brands should have a social media account and be active on social platforms. People spend more time on social media today than in previous generations. So, social media platforms provide huge opportunities for brands to extend their sphere of influence. They need to target their audience with relevant content and post frequently. They can encourage people to share links and comment on their blogs to know their experiences with the brand. As more people from social media interact with the site, the brand’s domain authority score improves. Brands should consider working with experts providing SEO services in Adelaide to optimize for shareability.

Get links from low DA but high potential sites.

A site’s current DA score is not always a good indicator of its future rankings. Many sites start small and eventually make it into the SERP. So, it is worthwhile to hunt for sites with high-quality content and do well on other aspects of SEO. When these sites take off, they receive a lot of traffic and engagement rates. Any site they link to would also benefit a lot. It is easy to get a link from these sites in the early stages. So, marketers should look for promising sites in nascent stages. Likewise, startups should work with experts providing SEO services in Adelaide to ensure that their site performs well. They could be new to the industry, but they would rise above the surface if they remained consistent.


Establishing brand authority does not take place a day. It could take some years for a site to age well. So, brands should focus on showing their expertise in their industry.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.