Every office quarter or building has one or more meeting rooms where client meetings or in-house team meetings are conducted. Such meeting rooms or conference rooms are quite an integral part of every office quarters and should be built and designed to enhance productivity. You can either buy an entire office, of if you have a shortage of fund, you can go for hiring meeting rooms for expo, for exhibitions and also if you want to conduct an interview process.
Suggestions On How To Design Better And More Functional Meeting Rooms
This article will provide you with some suggestions for designing your meeting room to increase the productivity quotient of those in the room. Not necessarily do you have to make the meeting room look dull and boring because that only brings dreariness among those using it. With some pop of color and specific changes, you can make the meeting room look profitable and business-like.
1. Proper Accommodation
Productivity and concentration towards work decrease the moment, the employees don’t feel comfortable sitting in a compact room. If you have twenty people sitting in a room meant for fifteen people, then you can’t expect them to be productive as their elbows keep bumping against each other.
The first suggestion while designing a meeting room is that it makes it spacious enough to include a good number of people. It is very important to check the space optimization aspect of the meeting rooms. This lets proper sunlight and airflow to move in.

2. Picking The Right Colour
While the interior designer usually designs your office’s interiors, it is always good to be involved when discussing such interiors. For your meeting room, do not make it look dull and dreary because it won’t enhance productivity; you can choose light, soothing, pastel colors that will have a positive impact upon the lookers and also on the guests who are part of any meeting.
Colour plays a significant impact on our minds and our work. You can add some pop of color to the meeting room, such as light blue, light green, etc., which will make the room look spacious and have a positive impact on everyone’s productivity.
3. Bring In Sunshine
Natural light sliding into your meeting room makes the room look spacious and has a positive effect on your employees’ minds and work. Working under fluorescent light in the morning can bring in the sense of dreariness and lethargy.
The right colors and sunlight entering the meeting room will have a different environment in itself. Along with this, there can also be better growth of trees in the office space.
4. Remove Distractions
Your meeting room should be free from distractions; hence, it is always best to keep those objects in the room, which are necessary. When you check out an available office space, you must always go for ensuring the furniture units sit well in the office and you can arrange all the wires and stationery items properly.
Besides the technical equipment, white boards, chairs, and tables- it is best to keep the room clutter-free so that there is some walking space and people don’t keep bumping into things.
5. Make It As Modern
The meeting room should be designed in the most modern way and include movable furniture, high-quality audio sets, and video conferencing facilities. Having an excellent audio quality set and video conferencing facilities is also a significant asset since it allows presentations and video conferencing to occur, particularly in Covid-19, where meeting people can be difficult.
These are some of the simple suggestions you can incorporate while designing your office’s meeting room. Remember, the basic rule is to make the meeting room look like you want to work and be productive.