Nobody can change you. It is only you who can make a difference from the earlier you to the present you. Getting demotivated is very easy but trusting yourself is not that much easy. The is always a choice for you but it is only your own decision to have a better life ahead or let it be the same. There are many motivational speakers in Hindi that can guide you better.
You must have trust in yourself then you can expect any other person to trust you. To trust yourself you must need to be loyal to yourself. There are always two paths in life, one is very easy but you need to cheat yourself for that. Second is very difficult you need to trust yourself and practice best for yourself. There are many motivational speakers in India. You can find them on Google, YouTube, Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, and more.
There are many ways to start making yourself more and more productive. You can start doing what you like doing. First, you must know what are the basic problems that are restricting you to be a successful man or woman. Once you know what is stopping you to get to success you need to remove all those uncomfortable things from your life. Secondly, you have to think about your life goal. When you know that what you want to achieve from your life then all the negative things and toxic people will no longer matter for you.
Many people, nowadays in this world struggle with motivation, but it is even more challenging if you have mental stress issues like depression, anxiety, and more problems. If you do not think about these problems then they are not going to end any time. There are some ways which can help you to cope up with all your problems those tips are enlisted below:-
• Set your Goals for a life, chase your dreams.
• Then think about how to include that goal in life and what you need to do to make your dream a reality. NOW put a timeframe on it (such as a week, days, months, and more).
• Break down or split your goals into smaller easy tasks and set regular reminders that will allow you to see changes in you.
• Use your family and loved ones as support – tell them everything about your set goals and encourage them to always keep you highly motivated and always remember that why you have started this all-change thing in your life.
The best ways which will keep you highly motivated are written below:-
• Review your Goals as well as your progress on daily basis. Reviewing the progress is also a great motivator itself & it also boosts your self-esteem.
• Set New goals on a continuous basis. Always think about achieving something in the future like thinking about what you want to attain next week, next day, next month, and next year. Set one goal at a time and be focused on it.
• Keep your Energy level Up. It takes a minimum of 21 days to develop a new habit, so just always keep your energy up daily and this routine will help you to feel more motivated.
• Find Good Gurus/ Mentors:- As we know a good mentor is someone who keeps you motivated and energetic towards achieving and learning something. So just having a good mentor will increase your energy and motivation levels to some extent.
• Another good way of keeping yourself motivated is surrounding yourself with positive and motivated persons. Positive vibes from positive friends or loved ones will always make you feel positive. This positivity will directly increase your motivation as well as confidence levels and will decrease your mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and more.
• Physical Exercise and Meditation on a routine basis will boost your self-confidence and inner motivation. Physical and Mental fitness both are equally important for every individual.
Reasons for demotivation:
1. Lack of good leadership and guide: The main reason behind demotivation is lack of good leadership and guide. This can also because of no leader and guide. You must have at least a good leader who can lead you and can bring you out from your insecurities and fear.
2. Not feeling appreciated and valued: Demotivation also happens due to not appreciated by anybody. One must need to tell his or her feelings to those who truly care for them. Due to negative comments and rude behaviour of others one can be demotivated by his or her whole life.
3. Anxiety about public speaking: Some people have fear of speaking in public due to demotivation or fear of neglect. Anxiety is a strong feeling of fear, worry, panic attacks, and more. One needs support and strength from friends and family at this time.
4. Being introvert: Being introvert is not a problem in itself but sometimes you need to talk to those who wanted to be with you. Sharing your problems and feelings with others will always help you.
How to get motivated?
1. Take a regular break: You don’t need to take the stress of your work and future all day long. Taking a five-minute break is not too much but you can do a little breathing exercise, a little walk in an open area, meditate for few minutes, listen to your favourite songs, and more.
2. Be transparent: No need to behave like any other famous person. You can enhance your inner self and personality by doing regular exercise and keeping a watch on how your long-term goal progress is going on. Sometimes even famous people are very insecure and demotivated.
3. Better quality work: You should know what you want to achieve in your life. Do what makes that goal achieve closer and closer to make your dream true. You need to be constant and do better quality work every time.
4. Proper meditation: Meditation helps in stabling mental stress and makes you confident and motivated. Meditation is very good for the inner peace of the person. It will increase the self-awareness and concentration of the person.