viral youtube video

Videos about fitness, marketing, cooking, and art are just some of items that you can include on your watch list when you’re on YouTube. From being a simple online streaming platform, it has evolved into a venue where laughter, learning, and discussions that matter take place. In this platform, both viewers and content creators are valued.

With billions of people tuning in every single day, it’s no surprise that YouTube videos go viral every now and then. This is what happens when viewers like what they see: they share the link to their contacts on various social media platforms.

This virality is something that can’t be forced as it is user generated. If you’re a content creator and are looking to produce videos that would go viral, you’ve come to the right place. We wrote down a bunch of tips for you.

Know Your Target Audience

YouTube videos go viral when people find them easy to relate to. It doesn’t matter if the video is about something serious, funny or informative; they’ll help spread the word if it speaks to them. Ergo, any content creator who aims to create viral videos need to have a deep understanding of who their target audience is. While running your channel on YouTube you can make a YouTube intro to give a brief idea about you and engage your audience. Keep yourself updated on the latest trends or discussions that are popular to your audience so you know 1) what tickles their fancy, and 2) what will get them to hit that share button.

Optimize Your Video File Name

Our equipment automatically assigns file names to the videos we record. We often see these as random combinations of letters and numbers. Aside from being an eyesore, titles like these will make it difficult for people to find your video.

One of the key factors in virality is accessibility. Optimize your file name using keywords that describe your video. Case in point, if your video is about propagating basil through cuttings, the file name should be: “basil-propagation-cuttings-guide.”

Add Subtitles or Transcriptions

It’s important to take into consideration that people from different parts of the world can watch your videos. There’s a high chance that they have hearing problems or don’t speak the language that you do, and the only way to bridge that gap is by adding subtitles. Helping them understand what you’re talking about will make them appreciate you and the videos that you make. They’ll share it with their friends as well, thus increasing the chances of your video’s virality!

Conduct a Thorough Keyword Research

Knowing what keywords are often used by your target audience will help boost your search rankings. There are lots of available tools online to help you evaluate the top keywords for the industry your channel belongs to. YouTube is hands down amazing, but it lacks the capacity to scan videos to pick up phrases and keywords from the audio. That’s something you need to do yourself.

Market Your Videos

Most content creators think that the work ends the moment they upload their videos on YouTube. The thing is, you can make the most stunning video, but if people have no idea that it exists, all that effort of putting it together will be in vain. Videos that go viral are created by people who are not afraid to put themselves out there. Market your videos. Start with your circle. Aside from sharing the links of your video on your social media accounts, message all of your contacts and ask them to watch it. The more people watch your video, the higher the chances that it will land on YouTube’s front page.

Final Words

You need to bring your a-game if you want to pursue a career in being one of YouTube’s content creators. It can be rewarding in all aspects, but you need to be willing to do the dirty work first. With YouTube, there is so much competition so it is important that you make yourself ready to face it. We hope this guide helps you create viral videos. See you on YouTube!

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.