I am a DC comic fan. So I avoid them because there’s no point in saying anything but I have to say something about Avengers Infinity War and that is that there is nothing to say because it’s great. It’s amazing. Are you happy? And it’s infuriating because I have been ready to hate this movie for 10 years. Has it been 10 years? Yes. Ever since everybody saw Thanos and 80% of people pretended to know who he was. Ever since every movie made by Marvel has led to this movie, I was ready.
And then the day came and I sat down and I was fueled with anger ready to hate and it just didn’t happen. Not even for a second, not even for one joke, not even for a millisecond in this movie was I able to roll my eyes. I could not do it. It just wasn’t possible so you can imagine my disappointment in myself when I thoroughly, 100%, fully… all those things mean the same… loved this movie. It’s so good it’s just so good and there’s nothing left to say. What do you want me to say? There’s nothing to say and I can’t talk to you about it without spoiling it so just take it from someone who was ready to hate everything about it when I tell you it is incredible. Am I visibly angry? Yes, I am. Can’t you tell? I am angry because I never thought I would want a sequel to a Marvel movie until this one. I never thought I would say the words to myself ‘damn I can’t wait for the next one’ and I’ve thought about it repeatedly since Saturday.
What do you want me to say? It’s good just like the another comics Savita Bhabhi! Every character every story just reached its climactic point and it was worth it. The ten years were worth it. The wait was worth it and I can not even imagine how actual Marvel fans feel because I am destroyed with unexpected satisfaction. And at the same time destroyed because my soul could not take all the things that happened in that movie and I’m not here to tell you as the DC fan that I deemed this movie-worthy. Who am I? That doesn’t matter. That’s not the point.
The point is that no matter what you like in this world Marvel, DC, Lisa Frank My Little Pony, it doesn’t matter! This movie was thoroughly enjoyable. It had drama, it had tension, it had great comedy which I never ever say about Marvel because they piss me off with their comedy. But oh my god. It was great. And they had an amazing villain that I thought would do jack [beep] but that wasn’t the case he was badass and dangerous and full of emotions and regret and struggles. What do you want me to say?! It’s so good! Am I yelling?! Yes! So I’m here to tell everyone who I’ve pissed off throughout my life when it comes to Marvel movies but I am very sorry. I take it all back.
I’m sorry DC fans but this is a battle lost long ago but if you needed any reminder this is it. We lost. We super[beep] lost. There’s no coming back from this. How do you ever reach your own version of the Infinity War? How? When? With what plan? So if you thought I was gonna come here and [beep]all over it, I’m sorry to disappoint you. I’m disappointed in myself. But you have to call a spade a spade if that’s what that phrase means -I don’t know- and say when something is really good and I think Infinity Wars was… ten out of ten. Look I’m not happy about saying this. I’m not happy about recording it and saying it officially to the world but here we are. Life is full of surprises and disappointments and sometimes a surprise wrapped in disappointment.
That’s all. I’m done. What else what else what? But that’s just my opinion guys. Don’tforget to tell me what you think about Avengers Infinity Wars in the comment section down below. You can also tell me what you think of it if you look for me on Facebook Instagram and Twitter cyni CineClubChannel but you don’t have to tell me what you think. I know it’s awesome. Don’t forget to like this video and share it with your friends and if you like Marvel then just… good for you!