Sittercity clone app

Working parents are a lot busier. Thus, often requires the help of the babysitters on several occasions. 

Sittercity Clone App connects the parents to the sitters offering babysitting services, as well as sitters for teenagers, after-school childcare, tutors services. It is a great app to find a reliable local child care professional for your family without worrying a bit.

What Makes Sittercity Clone App A Business Potential Idea?

People nowadays want services at their fingertips with a major ratio covering parents. 

Working parent’s lives are getting busier than ever. Thus, having a Sittercity Clone App can be extremely beneficial when there is a dire need to call a babysitter locally.

On-demand babysitting service allows parents to find trustable babysitters locally via Sittercity Clone App. All they have to do is signup and register with the app. The app quickly provides a list of searches suiting user’s criteria. This includes location, price quote, years of experience, qualification, ratings, and feedback.

Once the user has decided on the baby-sitter, chosen the time for them to arrive and make an advance payment to get the confirmed booking. 

As far as the babysitter, this serves as a perfect platform to earn a decent income that comes with complete flexibility in terms of work hours. All it requires is to register with the app, build the profile along with the detailed description about the work, highlighting the attributes and preferred timings. 

Sittercity Clone App includes a variety of options including caregivers, nannies, babysitters, sitters after-school, senior caregivers, pet sitters as well as housekeepers.

The online app platform allows the hiring the local babysitters without any hassle. If you are planning to create a similar app focusing On-Demand Babysitting services then consider building a Sittercity clone script.

Why Choose Sittercity Clone Script?

If your goal is to generate money as soon as you launch the Sittercity Clone App, the ready-made white-label clone app is the right solution to go with. 

Not only they are time-savers but, come at a cheaper price compared to that app that is developed right from the scratch.

Purchasing a Ready-made Clone App for Sitterycity will allow you to focus on the more productive work of developing business. 

Other advantages of investing in a white-label clone app solution include: 

  • 100% source code along with white labeling
  • Customized features for you to add/modify and edit as per your user’s demands
  • Tested bug-free and approved for launching on iOS and Android platforms.
  • Quicker deployment
  • It costs you considerably less than custom development

How Much You Can Earn Through Sittercity Clone App?

The answer is the sky is the limit.

There is no limit to how much you can earn through Sittercity Clone App. 

Post COVID19, On-demand Babysitting Apps are the most trending successful business opportunities. 

Monetize the app in various ways by leveraging membership fee, commission on every confirmed booking, 3rd party Ad banner, cancellation charges. Additionally, you can also sell relevant merchandise for the mom’s to shop.

The babysitting app platform makes it possible to connect the demand with the supply by developing an optimized eco-system from your app that is backed with the latest technologies and features to go with. 

Wit more babysitters, the more you booking your app will have. Thus yours will be a bigger cut. 

The initial challenge is to advertise and promote your app effectively. Further, have as many experienced and reliable babysitters listed with your app. So, the more your app is download and used for babysitting services the better revenue generation.

Building A Trustworthy Sittercity Clone app 

Sittercity Clone App is a complete, ready-to-use app solution. Built on open-source code technology, compatible on both Android, iOS, and web platforms. 

This On-Demand Childcare App allows parents to find a reliable, professional babysitter locally. The app offers user-centric features such as a GPS-enabled tracking system, in-detail viewing the profiles, online payment method, ratings and feedback. 

Get a surpassed, real-time reporting Robust Admin panel. Build a reliable On-demand Sittercity Clone App to generate revenue for every babysitting booking confirmed through your app.

Begin with MVP

This is a basic model that you will be launching to experience the on-demand market for the first time. On this MVP, further, you will be able to fix the problems, improve the performance. Moreover, you can further customize it with more advanced-level features.

With MVP you will know where you need to improve this, helping you with the right upgrades in terms of features and functionalities. Once you have the feedback, you know the expectations of your target audience. Hence, by fixing those loopholes, you will be able to stand up to their expectations for real.

How Much Does It Cost To Create Sittercity Clone App?

To create an app like Sittercity you will need to approach an On-Demand App Development company. The company will have the right infrastructure and professional app development team comprising developers, designers, project managers, business analysts, to develop a successful Sittercity Clone App

Ideally, the cost for developing an On Demand Babysitter app depends on a variety of factors such as:

  • OS platform (iOS or Android)
  • Technology stack
  • Customized features and functionalities
  • User-interface
  • Geographical location
  • Depending on which country you are outsourcing your app development work. For example, The USA-based app development company will charge you more compared to an app development firm in an Asian country like India.

Since it is a readymade clone script it has developed modules. 

Hiring an experienced, reliable app development company that has years of experience in launching on-demand apps will give your business an extra edge. 

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.