twitter widget

Twitter has more than 330,000,000 active users and is the largest social media platform.

Twitter’s daily active users, commonly known as the “Twitterati”, use Twitter to keep up with all the latest news around the globe.

It doesn’t matter if you are interested in fashion, business, current trends, gossip from the film industry, or political controversy. Twitter is a popular platform for people to voice their opinions. Twitter users use hashtags to boost the visibility of their tweets.

Brands and businesses might be tempted to promote their products and services on Twitter, given the large number of users. They use the best marketing strategies available to boost their brand presence and user engagement by embedding the content from users using hashtags.

How to embed Twitter Hashtag Feed into Your Website

Many benefits can be gained from embedding the Twitter hashtag feed on your website. It not only improves the look of your website but also lowers your bounce rate and increases user interaction.

You may have had an opportunity to interact on Twitter with celebrities. Embedding their tweets on your website can increase the time your visitors spend on your site, resulting in a boost to dwell time.

Brands often have difficulty understanding how to embed Twitter hashtag feeds onto their website.

This blog will help you understand the best ways to embed Twitter hashtags on your website.

Let’s get started!

1. Use Twitter to embed Twitter Hashtag Feed

Twitter, a popular social media platform, allows users to embed feeds onto their websites.

Open the Twitter embedding software, enter the URL to the media you want to embed, then copy the code and paste it onto the backend. Save your changes. Your website can also include the Twitter buttons or Twitter timeline.

This method is not ideal for embedding tweets, lists, profiles, or hashtags on your website.

You cannot customize this option to meet your specific needs. It does not allow for you to modify the content. The biggest problem is that you can only embed one post at a given time, which makes it tedious, frustrating, and taxing.

2. Embed Twitter Hashtag Feeds Using A Social Media Aggregator

The second option is to embed a Twitter Hashtag Feed using a Social Media Aggregator tool. This will make the process simple, quick, and seamless. This section will explain how to use a social media aggregater tool.

What is a Social Media Aggregator?

Social media aggregator tools allow you to quickly collect content from different social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest. They also curate the content according to your requirements and embed your social media content on your website.

Although you may think that using a social media aggregater will require technical knowledge, it is not. A Social Media Aggregator can be used easily and requires no coding or technical knowledge.

A social media aggregator’s main function is to make embedding easier.

What Features Should You Look For in a Social Media Aggregator?

You are now familiar with the various social media aggregators tools. Keep reading to learn how to choose the right aggregator tool.

When making a decision, be sure to look for the features mentioned.

Customization Options

You should ensure that the aggregator you choose offers customization options. The widget should allow you to modify it to match the look and feel of the rest of your site.

It is important to be able make the widget more attractive by using themes, fonts, and colors.

Moderation Options

A moderation panel must be available on your social media aggregator tool to ensure that the widget is not being published without violating the guidelines.

It must allow you to delete unwanted content while maintaining the quality premium. The tool should also allow you to highlight content you want more attention to.

Integration with Various Website-Building Platforms

Integration with different website building platforms is required for seamless embedding. Wix, WordPress HTML, Squarespace, Squarespace, and many other platforms are just a few.

Integration with other platforms is an optional feature, since it’s not necessary for every user to use the same CMS platform.


Analytics is essential to track the performance of your Twitter widget. Analytics should be a feature of your social media aggregator tool to provide insight to track overall performance, total impressions, and measure KPIs.


Social media is a powerful tool that can be used to your advantage, especially Twitter where people freely express themselves through tweeting.

If you have a strong media presence on Twitter, and your followers talk about your brand and tag them on their tweets, there’s no better way to promote yourself than using the content on your site.

You can increase your brand awareness and engagement by embedding the Twitter Hashtag feed onto your website.

Although Twitter offers the ability to embed Twitter hashtag feeds on your website, we recommend that you look for a social media aggregator tool to make it easier.

There are many social media tools on the market. You just have to choose the most appropriate and easiest to use with the mentioned features.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.